Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NApiApi This namespace contains classes and functions related to the simulation API
 CSimulationInstanceRepresents an instance of a simulation with customizable parameters and behaviors
 NCmaUtilsNamespace to handle algorithms and structures related to reading compartment mesh
 CDiscontinuousFMTDerived class to handle Discontinuous transition between flowmaps
 CFlowMapTransitionnerManages the reading, caching, and transitioning of flowmaps for simulation timesteps
 CIterationStateStructure to store information about the reactor state during simulation
 CLinterFMTDerived class to handle Linear interpolation transition between flowmaps
 CPreCalculatedHydroStateStructure to store hydrodynamic properties from a compartment mesh
 CProxyPreCalculatedHydroStateProxy class for PreCalculatedHydroState used to fill this struct with data from an external library
 NCoreCore component to perform simulation
 NScalarFactoryProvides structures and functions to initialize scalar data for simulations, supporting multiple data sources
 CCaseDataHolds the data required to execute a simulation case
 CDataExporterA class responsible for exporting various types of data such as matrices, arrays, and metadata in a structured format
 CGlobalInitialiserA class responsible for initializing various components of a simulation framework
 CMainExporterExporter for host-only data related to general-purpose simulation data (e.g., concentration, parameters, and other global data)
 CPartialExporterExporter for each MPI worker (including host) that exports data relative to particle state
 CSignalHandlerManages POSIX signals for the application
 CUserControlParametersA structure to hold user-defined control parameters for simulation settings
 NMCNamespace that contains classes and structures related to Monte Carlo (MC) simulations
 NDistributionsKokkos compatible method to draw from specific probability distribution
 CEventContainerUse to count events that occurs during Monte-Carlo processing cycles
 CKPRNGUtilities and wrap around kokkos random generator
 CMonteCarloUnitGeneral-purpose Monte Carlo unit to carry out simulations
 CParticlesContainerMain owning object for Monte-Carlo particles
 CReactorDomainRepresents the spatial domain where Monte Carlo particles can exist
 NModelsModels definition
 NSimulationNamespace that contains classes and structures related to simulation handling
 NUnsafeUDFUnsafe namespace to handle UDF (User-defined function) via dynamic library loading
 CLoaderStatic class to access to low-level configuration to load dynamic library
 NWrapMPINamespace to correclty wrap MPI C API for modern C++
 CHostIterationPayloadRepresents the payload of data on the host side for an iteration
 CIterationPayloadRepresents the payload of data exchanged during an iteration
 CCustomFunctorRepresents scalar data initialized through a custom functor
 Chas_uniform_weight< T, std::void_t< typename T::uniform_weight > >
 CKokkosLayoutMapper< Eigen::ColMajor >
 CKokkosLayoutMapper< Eigen::RowMajor >
 CViewSerialization< ViewType, typename std::enable_if< ViewType::rank==1 &&AutoGenerated::FlagCompileTime::use_cereal_serde >::type >
 CViewSerialization< ViewType, typename std::enable_if< ViewType::rank==2 &&AutoGenerated::FlagCompileTime::use_cereal_serde >::type >