▼NApi | Api This namespace contains classes and functions related to the simulation API |
CSimulationInstance | Represents an instance of a simulation with customizable parameters and behaviors |
▼NCmaUtils | Namespace to handle algorithms and structures related to reading compartment mesh |
CDiscontinuousFMT | Derived class to handle Discontinuous transition between flowmaps |
CFlowMapTransitionner | Manages the reading, caching, and transitioning of flowmaps for simulation timesteps |
CIterationState | Structure to store information about the reactor state during simulation |
CLinterFMT | Derived class to handle Linear interpolation transition between flowmaps |
CPreCalculatedHydroState | Structure to store hydrodynamic properties from a compartment mesh |
CProxyPreCalculatedHydroState | Proxy class for PreCalculatedHydroState used to fill this struct with data from an external library |
▼NCommon | |
CConfigFactory | |
CConfigFile | |
▼NCore | Core component to perform simulation |
►NScalarFactory | Provides structures and functions to initialize scalar data for simulations, supporting multiple data sources |
CCustomScript | Represents scalar data initialized through a custom script |
CFile | Represents scalar data sourced from an external file |
CFullCase | Represents scalar data everywhere |
CLocal | Represents localized concentration data for specific compartments |
CUniform | Represents uniform concentration data for all compartments |
CVisitor | Functor struct to visit each type in ScalarVariant and initialize scalar data |
CCaseData | Holds the data required to execute a simulation case |
►CDataExporter | A class responsible for exporting various types of data such as matrices, arrays, and metadata in a structured format |
Cimpl | |
CMultiMatrixDescription | Describes the properties of a multi-dimensional matrix for export operations |
CGlobalInitialiser | A class responsible for initializing various components of a simulation framework |
CMainExporter | Exporter for host-only data related to general-purpose simulation data (e.g., concentration, parameters, and other global data) |
CPartialExporter | Exporter for each MPI worker (including host) that exports data relative to particle state |
CSignalHandler | Manages POSIX signals for the application |
CSimulationParameters | |
CUserControlParameters | A structure to hold user-defined control parameters for simulation settings |
▼NMC | Namespace that contains classes and structures related to Monte Carlo (MC) simulations |
►NDistributions | Kokkos compatible method to draw from specific probability distribution |
CLogNormal | Represents a LogNormal (Gaussian) probability distribution |
CNormal | Represents a normal (Gaussian) probability distribution |
CScaledTruncatedNormal | Represents a Scaled TruncatedNormal (Gaussian) probability distribution |
CSkewNormal | Represents a SkewNormal (Gaussian) probability distribution |
CTruncatedNormal | Represents a TruncatedNormal (Gaussian) probability distribution |
CEventContainer | Use to count events that occurs during Monte-Carlo processing cycles |
CKPRNG | Utilities and wrap around kokkos random generator |
CMonteCarloUnit | General-purpose Monte Carlo unit to carry out simulations |
CParticlesContainer | Main owning object for Monte-Carlo particles |
CReactorDomain | Represents the spatial domain where Monte Carlo particles can exist |
▼NModels | Models definition |
CSimpleModel | |
CTwoMeta | |
CUdfModel | |
CUptake | |
▼NPostProcessing | |
CBonceBuffer | |
▼NPythonWrap | |
►CPimpModel | |
CImpl | |
▼NSimulation | Namespace that contains classes and structures related to simulation handling |
►NFeed | |
CConstant | |
CCustom | |
CDelayedConstant | |
CFeedDescritor | |
CFeedFactory | |
CPulse | |
CSimulationFeed | |
CStep | |
►NKernelInline | |
CCycleFunctor | |
CMoveFunctor | |
CMoveInfo | |
►NMassTransfer | |
►NType | |
CFixedKla | |
CFlowmap | |
CEquilibriumFunctor | |
CInterfacialAreaFonctor | |
CKlFonctor | |
CMassTransferModel | |
CMassTransferProxy | |
CDimensions | |
CEnvironementProperties | |
CMixture | |
CPhase | |
CProbes | |
CScalarInitializer | |
CScalarSimulation | |
CSimulationException | |
CSimulationUnit | |
CSpecie | |
▼NUnsafeUDF | Unsafe namespace to handle UDF (User-defined function) via dynamic library loading |
CLoader | Static class to access to low-level configuration to load dynamic library |
▼NWrapMPI | Namespace to correclty wrap MPI C API for modern C++ |
CHostIterationPayload | Represents the payload of data on the host side for an iteration |
CIterationPayload | Represents the payload of data exchanged during an iteration |
CApiResult | |
CBoundLoadBalancer | |
CCanary | |
CCliResults | |
CCustomFunctor | Represents scalar data initialized through a custom functor |
CCustomLoadBalancer | |
CDefaultModel | |
CDynamicDefaultModel | |
CEigenKokkosBase | |
CExecInfo | |
Cfoo | |
Chas_uniform_weight | |
Chas_uniform_weight< T, std::void_t< typename T::uniform_weight > > | |
CHostImportantLoadBalancer | |
CILoadBalancer | |
CKokkosLayoutMapper | |
CKokkosLayoutMapper< Eigen::ColMajor > | |
CKokkosLayoutMapper< Eigen::RowMajor > | |
COpaquePointer | |
CResult | |
CSerdeModel | |
CSuccess | |
CTagDetector | |
CUniformLoadBalancer | |
CViewSerialization | |
CViewSerialization< ViewType, typename std::enable_if< ViewType::rank==1 &&AutoGenerated::FlagCompileTime::use_cereal_serde >::type > | |
CViewSerialization< ViewType, typename std::enable_if< ViewType::rank==2 &&AutoGenerated::FlagCompileTime::use_cereal_serde >::type > | |