Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NApiApi This namespace contains classes and functions related to the simulation API
 NCmaUtilsNamespace to handle algorithms and structures related to reading compartment mesh
 NCoreCore component to perform simulation
 NScalarFactoryProvides structures and functions to initialize scalar data for simulations, supporting multiple data sources
 NMCNamespace that contains classes and structures related to Monte Carlo (MC) simulations
 NDistributionsKokkos compatible method to draw from specific probability distribution
 NModelsModels definition
 NSimulationNamespace that contains classes and structures related to simulation handling
 NUnsafeUDFUnsafe namespace to handle UDF (User-defined function) via dynamic library loading
 NWrapMPINamespace to correclty wrap MPI C API for modern C++