Getting Started

Getting Started


This tools is heavily based on

Meson build system as well as Meson have to be installed. Dependencies can be handle by Meson buildsystem but user can also use system wide installation system specific configuration. Pybind11 dependency ,Cereal as well as HighFive are optionals.

Compiler needs to at least support C++20 standard. Tested for gcc+14 and clang++-18 compiler (with CUDA Version: 12.4) Needed Python version >=3.10


See options for flags

By default all targets are compiled :

  • CLI shared : CLI executable without MPI dependency(for shared memory only )
  • CLI distributed : CLI executable with MPI dependency (for shared memory only )
  • Python Module API: handle_module python api (with MPI dependency only)
  • C Raw API: shared libary with and without MPI dependency

CPU only

  • Downlaod the project from github repo
meson setup builddir $flags$


Be sure to be in root project

CXX=$(pwd)/devutils/kokkos_wrap/wrap_cxx meson setup builddir $optionalflags$ -Duse_cuda=true -Duse_system_kokkos=true

This command is mandatory to detect the correct compiler, this configuration needs kokkos to be installed system wide for specific GPU.

wrap_cxx script is another wrap around wrapper provided by kokkos to be compatible with Meson. It basically gives the correct compiler to script.

Build options

Option Name Type Default Value Description
use_dynamic_module boolean false Determines if dynamic modules should be used. Defaults to false.
use_cuda boolean false Enables CUDA support if set to true. Defaults to false.
use_system_kokkos boolean false Decides whether to use the system-installed Kokkos library. Defaults to false.
python_install boolean false Installs Python bindings if set to true. Defaults to false.
use_cereal boolean true Enables cereal library support for serialization. Defaults to true.
compile_tools boolean false Enables compilation tools if set to true. Defaults to false.
ci_execution boolean false Specifies whether CI execution is enabled. Defaults to false.

Fast run

A python script as well as case example are provided to quickly run simulation from CLI The cases examples are located in 'tools/cases.xml'.

A simple run can be exectued with :

python3 ./tools/ [case_name] -n [number of thread] [-mpi]

More information with

python3 ./tools/ --help